The Game Show

The Game Show
Genre Talk show, News
Presented by Jim Festante
David Guida
Nikole Zivalich
Country of origin  United States
No. of seasons 3
No. of episodes 79 (As of June 5, 2011)
Executive producer(s) Brian Gramo
Original channel The Stream of Consciousness
Original run February 12, 2008 – present
External links

The Game Show is an interactive internet television show that covers video game and gaming industry news. It aired live on the internet television network The Stream of Consciousness. An edited version was later archived on their website and was available as a free download from the iTunes Store. The show was hosted by Jim Festante, David Guida, and Nikole Zivalich. The Game Show was cancelled due to lack of funding after its third season but it has been announced that it will return on June 17, 2011.



The Game Show has several recurring segments that make up the show. These include COMBO, Nikole's Top 7, Game Of The Week, What's In Your Box and Pacmobelia.


The Game Show was Featured on G4's the Feed Blog, Friday October 2 [1] featured the Game Show on its blog for the Game Show's monthly Xbox 360 giveaway [2]

Special Guests

The Game Show often interviews celebrities in the gaming field. Several noted guests and guest hosts include G4's Attack of the Show! hosts Kevin Pereira and Alison Haislip,[3][4] editor and game reviewer for Sterling McGarvey,[1] Joel Gourdin,[5] Electro/Pop Artist Leeni, Jordan Morris from Fuel TV,[6] Jeff Cannata from The Totally Rad Show,[7] and The Guild's Felicia Day.[8][9] And as of september 2011 David Guida Leaves the Game Show

Episode guide

Season One

Episode 100 "Pilot" - 2/5/08
Games: Devil May Cry 4 and Turok
Jim, David, and Nikole discuss the upcoming release of Devil May Cry 4, and the disappointment that is Turok, complete with video footage. A discussion on whether or not after a year (and Blu-ray's imminent place as top dog over HD DVD) the PS3 is worth it. Nikole takes us through the Top 7 Worst Enemies in video games. David shares some 'Pacmobelia' from back in the day - this time, a PacMan themed Walkman radio. One of our viewers wins an official Parappa the Rapper hat.

Episode 101 "Just Say Neigh" - 2/12/08
Game of the Week: Burnout Paradise
Jim laments the insane load times of the new JRPG Lost Odyssey - everyone agrees that they're looking forward to ... watching it? The trailer uses Jefferson Airplane's "White Rabbit" (reminiscent of Gears of War's use of "Mad World"), which seems like an odd coupling. Jim talks about No More Heroes for the Wii, a fun game that answers the question, "What if The Bride from Kill Bill had a lightsaber?" No More Heroes may not be a definite buy, but it's a definite rent! (Nikole's Aunt Pam says hello!)

In honor of Valentine's Day, Nikole presents the Top 7 Will They or Won't They? couples in gaming. David introduces us to the horror that is My Horse and Me (for the Wii. Just say neigh.). We present a reaction video (2 Horses 1 Trough, our homage to 2 Girls, 1 Cup). David runs down the list for the AIAS Awards (the Oscars of gaming). Particularly noted was Family Game of the Year Rock Band, which our viewers commented had a way of bringing families closer together. We discuss the Game of the Week, Burnout Paradise - Jim says RENT, Nikole says PASS, David says RENT MINUS. Another piece of Pacmobelia is revealed, and a viewer wins a new DS game!

Episode 102 "Meat Cube" - 2/26/08
Games of the Week: Lost Odyssey and Frontlines
Jim will discuss the new Unreal Engine demo that was revealed during GDC08. And speaking of ... Nikole will present the Top 7 Games and Announcements from GDC 08. David rants about the ridiculousness of game censorship, pegged to the revelation of no Nazis for LEGO Indiana Jones. We'll talk about the Games of the Week, Lost Odyssey and Frontlines - are they worthy of RENT, BUY, or PASS? Another piece of Pacmobelia will be revealed!

Episode 103 "Game Show Smash" - 3/11/08
Games of the Week: Super Smash Bros. Brawl and Resistance.
The Game Show discusses Super Smash Bros. Brawl and Resistance (and take a look ahead at what's to come in the sequel); Nikole will have something lovely, to be sure (perhaps the Top 7 Funniest Video Game Commercials if you ask nicely); and Gweedz has a "why-does-this-exist" video off Xbox Live to share.

Episode 104 "The PC Decline" - 3/18/08
Game of the Week: Rainbow Six Vegas 2
Jim delved into the state of PC gaming, and whether it's as in as big of a decline as has been recently reported. He noted that PC games had a 6% decline in sales last year and that PCs present challenges - hardware and software requirements especially. Equipment (video cards, etc) are not cheap. We all agreed that certain things don't seem to work on consoles however, like MMOs and RTSs. Nikole presented a Top 7 list of old school built-in PC games (Minesweeper, anyone?). Gweedz brought back some old school gaming memories. Our Game of the Week was Rainbow Six Vegas 2 - we were happy that it kept a lot of weapons and fan favorite maps, but added some great new stuff as well. They balanced the game, made it better for Pro competitions. Not much happens on the strip, per se, but levels are great. Destructible cover! Jim said RENT with an option to buy, Nikole said BUY, Gweedz said BUY (noting that it might be too strategic if you've never played the R6 series before, so possibly RENT first). The Pacmobelia item is a gumball machine. HorridGlam won a PS2 copy of MLB 08: The Show.

Episode 105 "Downloaded" - 3/25/08
Games of the Week: Rocketmen: Axis of Evil (PS3), Do-Re-Mi Fantasy (Wii), N+ (360)
Dave, Jim, and Nikole each take a look at some downloadable content from the Xbox 360, PS3, and Wii respectively. We set up an NES for Nikole to give Mario Brothers a go - and then more Pacmobelia is revealed!

Episode 106 "Auto-Reply Jim" - 4/1/08
Game of the Week: Sega Superstars Tennis
Nikole catches everyone up with this week in geek. As we sit in a spring dry spell of quality, new releases, Gweedz takes a look at all the great games we have to look forward to this year (and makes some predictions about them). Jim April fools everyone by not showing up, so we break out "Auto-Reply Jim."

Episode 107 "Racism In Gaming" - 4/22/08
Game of the Week: Ikaruga
Is the Resident Evil 5 trailer racist? Our guest, Andrew McGregor (The Tiziano Project) helps us get serious. Our Game of the Week is also about black and white: Ikaruga. And Nikole talks about grotesque girls.

Episode 108 "Grand Theft Awesome" - 4/29/08
Game of the Week: Grand Theft Auto 4
GTA4 is out and we gave it away to lucky winner wolfstrider! Jim classed the show up with some poetry from the book "Blue Wizard is About to Die" (cue Brian's creepy Gauntlet voice), written by Seth "Fingers" Flynn Barkan. Filmed at Gweedz' lovely apartment by Brian, Jim performed the selection "Mario," Gweedz gave us "PacMan," and Nikole rounded things out with the classic "Bubble Bobble." Want more, scholars? Hit the forum to request (we have some lovely haikus on Mega Man)! Nikole presented the Top 7 Worst Places to Live in Video Games (g'head, guess what got #1!). Our GOTW was, of course, GTA4. We found it to be an immersive, open-ended, and emotionally investing game where you explore the American Dream as immigrant Niko Belic. It's a big send up of not only NYC but capitalism, commercialism, and America's not-so-melty melting pot. One minor flaw was that it seems to look a little jaggy in HD as opposed to SD. And if you're Nikole (and you wish you were), you'd agree that story line shmory line, you just wants to shoot things and runs people over! Hell, you can go play darts or pool, go on dates, see comedy shows and watch TV (with excellent comedic writing, this is highly recommended). Which version is better? Meh, they're pretty much the same (though Gweedz' Xbox copy had crashed 6 times in one day as opposed to Jim's PS3's smooth sailing) - buy the version your friends have for multiplayer (peer pressure!). Gweedz said buy, Nikole said buy (buy buy!), and Jim (ever the slave to peer pressure)!! The Pacmobelia item is a phone.

Episode 109 "MarioKart 4 Wii" - 5/6/08
Game of the Week: Mario Kart Wii
Its-a me, Mario! Or is it Mahrio? Or Mary-o? Mario Kart is finally out for the Wii (despite the lack of hype). Congrats to CricketLee for winning it. We're joined this week by Joel Gourdin from the tv (G4, TV Guide), who hangs out kicking kart ass with King Boo all night. Jim loves Iron Man the movie, but hates Iron Man the game. Shocking? Hardly. Nikole has the top 7 Sweet Rides, but leaves off Halo's warthog which makes the boys sad. Mario Kart doesn't change up the formula too much, which is a good thing. Lots of characters, quite a few tracks, and the same item-breaking balance that bad gamers loves and good gamers despise. What fun! If you're a Wii owner, run don't walk to pick it up. If you have a 360 or PS3, you probably have better things to be playing right now (GTA4, hint, hint). It's a "BUY" just a question of when.

Episode 110 "Deserted Gaming" - 5/13/08
Game of the Week: N/A
Picture this. One console. Five games. For the rest of you life. What would you choose. Choose, but choose wisely. We make our picks, reveal yet another piece of Pac-Mobilia, and run out of time to play Boom Blox.

Episode 111 "Trailer Trash" - 6/3/08
Game of the Week: N/A
What can you expect in the upcoming months? Ninja Gaiden 2, Mirror's Edge, Metal Gear Solid 4, Street Fighter 4, Madden 09, Prince of Perisa, Beyond Good and Evil 2, a Gweedz-produced trailer for Dark Void, and more! Plus one lucky viewer got their hands on Pro Evolution Soccer 2008 (Xbox 360) for correctly guessing this week's piece of Pac-Mobelia!

Episode 112 "Ninja Gaiden II" - 6/10/08
Game of the Week: Ninja Gaiden II
Ninja Gaiden II game play, review and give-a-way. Plus, Nikole's top seven ninjas!

Episode 113 "Metal Gear Solid 4" - 6/17/08
Game of the Week: Metal Gear 4
Jack Thompson - barred from practicing law! Who is he? Oh, just some Florida attorney, Christian conservative, loud mouth who went after 2LiveCrew, Howard Stern, but especially video games, which he calls 'murder simulators.' Neat!

But, The Game Show, where can I read more about this douche? Why not check out our reading from the transcript (borrowing from the comedic stylings of Robert Smigel)?

Anyway! Metal Gear! The weapons, the sneaking, the codec, the...plot? Not being very familiar with the MG world, Jim and Nikole have to guess whether a plot Dave mentions is real or not, or in this case Solid...or Shit!

As for MGS4...if you own a PS3, you need this game. If you don't own a PS3, this is the game to buy it for. Customizable weapons, the choice to sneak or go in guns blazing, not to mention it's probably the most beautiful game on the entire system make this one a no-brainer.

Oh, and more Pac-Mobelia! Someone won a copy of MGS4 for guessing correctly!

Episode 114 "Complete Devotion" - 7/15/08
Game of the Week: N/A
The Game Show sells out... and it's delicious! Feel the punch of our new combo hit segment. Soak in commentary on the new Final Fantasy XIII trailer. Hear that Gweedz is done with the JRPG. Jim, Nikole and Gweedz deliver detailed E3 reports on Microsoft, Sony and Nintendo. Devotion himself of gets interviewed. Blog user AdamentAndy takes home Unreal Tournament III and goes for the PC version.

Episode 115 "Hated" - 7/22/08
Game of the Week: Guitar Hero World Tour vs. Rockband 2
Duke Nukum, Dark Knight, Dr. Horrible, and Lego Games discussed. Your C.O.M.B.O. of gaming news on Comicon, I Am 8 Bit, Mean Girls, Clueless, Bungie's pissed and Wii Sales. Nikole's Top 7 Things I Hate in Gaming. Guitar Hero World Tour vs. Rock Band 2. Pac-Mobilia prize this week was Final Fantasy 4 for the Nintendo DS. Congrats to DanielFooFan on winning! Sponsored this week by Ego Energy Drink

Episode 116 "Soul" - 7/29/08
Game of the Week: Soul Calibur 4
Soul Calibur 4 Reviewed & Nikole at Comic Con! Plus your C.O.M.B.O. of recent news. A public E3, Nintendo Sued, banned trailers, PS3's greatest hits for cheap and.... drum roll? - Boob Physics.

Episode 117 "Maximum Haislip" - 8/5/08
Game of the Week: N/A
Guest: Alison Haislip
Guest Alison Haislip of G4 joins the Game Show crew to discuss her recent trips to E3, Comic Con, and what it's like to blow up explosive-laden cars with guns. We're also giving away Sam and Max: Volume 1 for the Wii or PC!

Episode 118 "Braiding Madden" - 8/12/08
Game of the Week: Braid
Our free give-a-way was Madden 09. Guest gamers Bill & Jessie rocked out Madden for the XBox 360 live in studio. Our C.O.M.B.O. hit of news covers a confused CliffyB concerning Dead Space, the W.O.W. olympics, Master Chief in Fable 2, the new Star Trek MMO, and the resignation of Diablo 3's art director. Nikole's Top 7 ranks Madden covers and their associated curses.

Episode 119 "Going Green" - 8/19/08
Game of the Week: Too Human
Guest: Alison Haislip
G4's (Attack of the Show) Alison Haislip returns to The Game Show to visit your hosts Jim, David, and Nikole. COMBO news: a high school kid drop out of school to pursue a career in Guitar Hero. Spore goes gold. A FFXII boss takes players over 24 hours to beat. A Batman game is announced by Eidos. Viva Pinata makes a commercial in ode to Halo 3. The hosts updated the community on Soul Calibur 4 and Madden from the prior week. This week's Top 7 list is educational, Top 7 Everyday Items to be used as weapons. Game of the week is Too Human? Did Silicon Knights take too long or was is this game a rent, bus, pass or rent?

Episode 120 "Tiger Uppercut" - 8/26/08
Game of the Week: Ratchet & Clank Future: Quest For Booty
The Give-a-way this episode is Tiger Wood PGA Tour 09. C.O.M.B.O. gives you your quick hits of news including the Sony's EyePet and PSP-3000, Electronic Arts responding to a Tiger Woods golf glitch, Halo 4 and one very offensive art exhibit. Star Wars: Force Unleashed Demo is reviewed. Nikole's Top 7 list video game character that would make good Presidential running mates. Viewer SniperKitty pesters us to talk about the upcoming Ghostbusters title, which makes our Pacmobilia later in the show very ironic.

Episode 121 "Nikole Unleashed" - 9/16/08
Game of the Week: Star Wars: The Force Unleashed
Guest: Alison Haislip
Nikole's 21st Birthday "Power Hour" (a shot of beer every minute) Special. Star Wars: The Force Unleashed game play, plus we gave the game away during the live show. Also, in this episode: the fastest Pacmobilia ever; a very vulgar Jim Festate; woosy Nikole; blasted Alison; Chinese pringles guy; and oh yeah, STFU gameplay footage and a walk down memory lane of past "Star Wars" video game titles.

Episode 122 "Little Big Calamity" - 10/7/08
Game of the Week: N/A
Guest: Miz Calamity
News on the Halo 3 Expansion; Red Alert Remix Trailer Recap; Limited Editions Info for various titles; Spore DRM Lawsuit; Jack Thompson Disbarred; Nikole's Top 7 TV Shows That Should Be Video Games; A very difficult Pacmobelia (Can you guess while watching before the live viewers did?); Also, watch Nikole embrace her over 21-year-oldness!

Episode 123 "Girls Got Mega" - 10/14/08
Game of the Week: Mega Man 9
Guests: JesV & Mandie
Guests Jessica and Mandie from All Games Interactive and Girls Got Game; Mega Man 9 first impressions with gameplay footage and cast review; Cute costumes for Little Big Planet; Richard Garriott in space; Leaked Tron Footage; Blizzard gets greedy; Who's leaving; Coin-Op TV 4th Anniversary Event Coverage

Episode 124 "Grub Down" - 10/21/08
Game of the Week: N/A
Guest: Zach Luye
Guest Zack Luye of helps us taste test Gamer Grub snacks; More Little Big Planet news, Obama in video games, Max Payne sucks, Star Wars MMO announced, Gears of War 2 leaked; Resistance 2 Beta Give-a-way; Nikole's Top 7 Food Games

Episode 125 "Halloween Fable" - 10/28/08
Game of the Week: Fable 2
Mana Energy Potions taste; Fable 2 game play and review; Nikole's Top 7 disguises; Banned cows; Rockstar Zombies; Guitar Hero World Tour commercials; Too many sequels; Drum set problems require tuning kit; Pacmobelia Give-a-way; Brief appearances by Jessica Villareal of Girls Got Game and All Games Interactive

Episode 126 "Totally Gears" - 11/11/08
Game of the Week: Gears of War 2
Guests: Jeff Cannata & Alison Haislip
Guests Jeff Cannata of The Totally Rad Show ( & Alison Haislip of G4; Gears of War 2 game play footage, review and give-a-way; Sci. vs. Fi vs. Nikole Zivalich and the online hate that was brought; Nikole's Top 7 Gears 2 Slogans; Plus exploding pants, Jim's in trouble, missing berserkers and Jeff questions the popularity of meatheads in popular culture.


  1. ^ a b Vinson, Dana (2009-10-02). "'s Sterling McGarvey on "The Game Show" Tonight at 11 PM!". Retrieved 2009-10-03. 
  2. ^ Marie, Tia (2009-03-11). "Xbox 360 give-a-way". Retrieved 2009-10-03. 
  3. ^ "The Game Show #209 - Pereira Origins". The Stream of Consciousness. 2009-05-22. Retrieved 2009-10-03. 
  4. ^ "The Game Show #117 - Maximum Haislip". The Stream of Consciousness. 2008-08-05. Retrieved 2009-10-06. 
  5. ^ "The Game Show #109 - MarioKart 4 Wii". The Stream of Consciousness. 2008-05-06. Retrieved 2009-10-03. 
  6. ^ "The Game Show #115 - Unrated & Uncensored". The Stream of Consciousness. 2009-07-03. Retrieved 2009-10-03. 
  7. ^ "The Game Show #126 - Totally Gears". The Stream of Consciousness. 2008-11-11. Retrieved 2009-10-03. 
  8. ^ "The Game Show #128 - Wrath of the Day". The Stream of Consciousness. 2008-11-29. Retrieved 2009-10-04. 
  9. ^ Day, Felicia (2008-11-29). "Felicia Day: Press Interviews". Felicia Day. Retrieved 2009-10-04. 

External links